Logic relay New Zealand

Genie NX Logic Relay Auxiliary Relay

Auxiliary Relay


In Genie-NX 'M' stands for Auxiliary relay and Auxiliary relay numbers are represented from
1 to 32. Thus M4 represents the forth Auxiliary relay. We refer the value of the nth Auxiliary
relay as Mn.

Auxiliary Relay used as contact:

  • Normally open (M) : In this type of contact TRUE value is valid.
  • Normally closed. (m): In this type of contact FALSE value is valid.

Auxiliary Relay Used as Coil :

Genie-NX provides three types of Auxiliary relays
Coils :

  • State change: contactor.
  • Level change: remote control.
  • Bistable ( Set : Reset ).

State Change: Contactor

Definition :
The Relay coil switches ON Immediately after the input Signal, and switches OFF when the input
signal is removed. The relay thus acts as a contactor.

2. Level Change: Remote Control
Definition :
The Relay coil switches ON whenever the Input signal changes from 0 to 1 and switches OFF on the
next 0 to 1 transition of input signal.The relay thus behaves like a Level Changer.

Note: During simulation level change:Remote control relay operation

  • On first 'Rung-True' condition, coil position shows ON indication and makes relay contact ON .
  • On next 'Rung-False' condition, coil position shows OFF indication but relay contact remains ON.
  • On next 'Rung-True' condition, coil position shows ON indication and Makes relay contact OFF.
  • On next 'Rung-False' condition, coil position shows OFF indication but relay contact remains OFF.

Bistable ( Set : Reset)

Definition :
The "Set" and "Reset" relay Functions are used in pairs. The relay switches ON on the SET input and remains in this state until it is Reset by the "Reset"input.

Note: During simulation bistable Set relay coil

  • On first 'Rung-True' condition, SET coil position shows ON indication and makes relay contact ON.
  • On next 'Rung-False' condition, SET coil position shows OFF indication but relay contact remains ON till RESET coil is not activated.

Note: During simulation bistable RESET relay coil operation .

  • On first 'Rung-True' condition, RESET coil position shows ON indication and makes relay contact OFF.
  • On next 'Rung-False' condition, RESET coil position shows OFF indication and relay contact is ON or OFF depending on SET coil status.

Note: When SET and RESET both coils are active for a particular relay, the RESET coil will
supersede SET Coil.




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